Local theatre group Compagnia Teatrale Tolvese

Compagnia Teatrale Tolvese is a theatre company that started in 2021 experimenting with collective theatre, an experience supported and partecipated by Casa Rosa, and with the fundamental help of AstaroTheatro, a project that since many years combines in Amsterdam theatre and activism.

The work of the Compagnia Teatrale Tolvese is animated by the idea of creating a grassroots popular theatre in small towns, starting from a strong desire of showing that culture and theatre are not exclusive to great stages and big cities, and showing that there is great richness and culture in these small towns and in the people inhabiting them.

Begun in 2021 with the workshop “Intrecci” (“Threads“) and continued in 2022 with the play “Terre di Terra” (“Lands of dirt“) and in 2023 with “Odisseə: il mare è libertà e la libertà è femmina(“Odissey: sea is freedom and freedom is female”),  Compagnia Teatrale Tolvese keeps on bringing around in town squares every summer a popular theatre that speaks of the past and the future of the territories we live in.

A recount of the past shows can be found following this link