
Casa Rosa is a non-profit organization  (Casa Rosa APS) and life project started by a group of people that decided to move away from cities in Northern Europe to move (back) in Tolve, Basilicata, a town like many in rural ares of South Italy at risk of depopulation.

The idea and plan of the project is that of bringing a concrete contribute to the creation of a different vision for these territories, a vision based on self-determination and ecology, but also based on giving back value to what good there was in the peasant society of our grandparents.

Believing that one should practice what they believe, at Casa Rosa we have begun working towards the self-production of our food (with our organic vegetable garden, with bread-making, olive and wine harvest, but also foraging of wild plants etc….); and, at the same time, we are active in promoting in the town various cultural initatives like movie screenings, a book corner, and a theatre group. We are also active in promoting workshops of environmental education to kids.

More detailed english descriptions of some of our activities are available at these links:

Email: casarosa [at] riseup.net

Location: Via Santa Maria 26a, Tolve (PZ)

For updates you can also find us on social media, looking for casarosatolve